The TNG simulations would not be possible without the hard work of many people, efforts including code and model development, proposals, simulation execution, post-processing, and analysis. The project as a whole is being led by Volker Springel at HITS, in collaboration with researchers at MPIA, MPA, Harvard, MIT, and CCA. We list the team members here:

Volker Springel

Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies MPA

PI: Overall TNG Project

Lars Hernquist

Harvard University

Annalisa Pillepich

Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg

Co-PI: TNG50 Project

Rüdiger Pakmor

Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies MPA

Dylan Nelson

Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics ITA, Heidelberg University

Co-PI: TNG50 Project

Rainer Weinberger

Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies CFA

Federico Marinacci

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Bologna

Jill Naiman

Harvard University NCSA/UIUC

Mark Vogelsberger

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Shy Genel

Center for Computational Astrophysics, Flatiron Institute

Paul Torrey

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Florida


VS, RW, and RP acknowledge support by the European Research Council under ERC-StG EXAGAL-308037, and would like to thank the Klaus Tschira Foundation. SG is employed at the Flatiron Institute which is supported by the Simons Foundation. PT and SG were supported by NASA through Hubble Fellowship grants HST-HF-51384.001-A and HST-HF2-51341.001-A, respectively. MV acknowledges support from a MIT RSC award, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, and by NASA ATP grant NNX17AG29G. JN acknowledges support from NSF AARF award AST-1402480.

All of the primary TNG simulations have been run on the Cray XC40 Hazel Hen supercomputer at the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS) in Germany. They have been made possible by the Gauss Centre for Supercomputing (GCS) large-scale project proposals GCS-ILLU and GCS-DWAR. GCS is the alliance of the three national supercomputing centres HLRS (Universitaet Stuttgart), JSC (Forschungszentrum Julich), and LRZ (Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften), funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the German State Ministries for Research of Baden-Wuerttemberg (MWK), Bayern (StMWFK) and Nordrhein-Westfalen (MIWF). Further simulations were run on the Hydra and Draco supercomputers at the Max Planck Computing and Data Facility (MPCDF, formerly known as RZG) in Garching near Munich, in addition to the Magny system at HITS in Heidelberg. Additional computations were carried out on the Odyssey2 system supported by the FAS Division of Science, Research Computing Group at Harvard University, and the Stampede supercomputer at the Texas Advanced Computing Center through the XSEDE project AST140063.

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If you have any questions or comments about the TNG simulations, its science, or this website, please get in touch with us. Someone from the group will reply as soon as possible. Thank you! (Note: no HTML or links/URLs please) -The TNG Team

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