Error 502 While Opening Jupyter Lab

Arnatri Samajdar
  • 11 Jan

Hello! I just started using IllustrisTNG to make X-ray maps. I wanted to save all the example files in a separate folder and start fresh but after trying to move those files my browser stopped and from then on I am having this error whenever I launch JupyterLab. I tried different browsers and devices it shows the same error. Can you please tell how to solve this issue? Thank you.Screenshot from 2025-01-11 14-33-33.png

Dylan Nelson
  • 11 Jan

The problem seems resolved now.

Please note an important point: you seem to have tried to COPY the actual simulation data files (into a folder called "DNT"). You cannot do this. They are very large, and this likely caused problems. You should use the simulation data (in sims.illustris/ and sims.TNG/) where it is, without moving or copy it.

Arnatri Samajdar
  • 11 Jan

It's working now. Thank you.

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