Failed to get SubhaloFlag

Jinning Liang
  • 15 Oct '24


When I try to use SubhaloFlag to select some galaxies in the tree, I find it's not saved in tree files. I am wondering why it's not saved in the tree while other properties are saved. Then I try to use simulation.hdf5 to load this field, I find that all SubhaloFlag saved in simulation.hdf5 are False or 0. I am also confused about it. Is there any way I can load correct value of SubhaloFlag? Note that I cannot download the whole groups data at all snapshots.


Jinning Liang
  • 15 Oct '24

I actually found that all values in simulation.hdf5 are 0.

Jinning Liang
  • 15 Oct '24

Ah I solved the latter problem: my actual data files are not in the same path. But I am still curious why SubhaloFlag is not saved in the tree

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