Potential of particles over time

Ashley Francis
  • 18 Jul '24


I am calculating the potentials of particles in dark matter halos from the TNG-50 DMO simulation. I do not understand the results I am getting. I am looking at a few specific particles and tracing them across snapshots, gathering their potential from the 'Potential' field given in particle-level data files. For reference, I am looking at particles that belong to equilibrium halos at snapshot 99. They are the same particles in each snapshot because I tracked them using the 'ParticleID' field. The particles are seen having a massive decrease in potential followed by a massive increase around snapshot 78. I am confused as to how this is possible, as the halo is not undergoing any major event that would cause potential to increase. I have attached a plot for reference, it shows four particles with their potential on the y-axis and snap number on the horizontal access. Does anyone know why this could be happening?particle.png

Dylan Nelson
  • 21 Jul '24

Assuming they are DM or stellar particles (whose IDs are constant and do not change), then the fluctuation you see must represent a true fluctuation of the potential.

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