How to isolate dark matter mass from Group_M_Crit200

Max Dickson
  • 14 Mar '21

Would this involve summing the DM particles within Group_R_Crit200, and if so, what is the mass of an individual DM particle?

Dylan Nelson
  • 1
  • 15 Mar '21

Yes you could imagine creating a Group_M_Crit200Type in analogy to the other *Type fields available.

For the mass see MassTable of the data specifications.

Max Dickson
  • 15 Mar '21

When I load the group catalogue header using header = il.groupcat.loadHeader(), 'MassTable' isn't listed as a key.

Dylan Nelson
  • 15 Mar '21

This will only be in the snapshot headers.

Max Dickson
  • 15 Mar '21

Thank you!

Tian Zeng
  • 18 Apr '24

Hello Prof. Dylan,
I am interested in separating the DM mass from Group_M_Crit200 as well. However, I am somewhat confused by the steps you described. Could you please provide more detailed instructions? For example, could you clarify where to create the Group_M_Crit200Type field (is it in the HDF5 files?), and how Mass Table relates to this? The only information I found on the Mass Table is: 'Masses of particle types which have a constant mass (only DM)', which seems unrelated to this question.
Additionally, although the description of the Mass Table mentions only 'DM', my own code outputs a list containing two nonzero numbers.
Realted part of my code is:

for key in cutout['Header'].attrs.keys():

and the output of Mass Table is:
MassTable [0.00000000e+00 3.07367709e-05 0.00000000e+00 5.73879010e-06
0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00]

Dylan Nelson
  • 18 Apr '24

Group_M_Crit200Type doesn't exist anywhere, you would have to compute it (from the particles/cells in the snapshot).

I see MassTable also has an entry for 3, which is the tracer particles. This reflects the baryonic mass that they represent.

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